The capital of Jordan, Amman, is a sprawling city with its east side more crowded and lacking in green spaces. The German cooperation organization GIZ, generated the funding to resolve these problems.
Engicon was engaged in 2019 to improve the living conditions in three disadvantaged areas within east Amman. The project was to design green infrastructure networks, strategically planned to deliver spaces for recreation while contributing to climate-change mitigation. Engicon was also assigned construction supervision.
The project methodology followed a participatory design process where the site users become involved in designing the spaces. Engicon’s team also devised a training program for the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) that synchronized with the project’s various phases. A publication stressing the importance of green infrastructure networks was published at the end of the project.
Amenities, benches and shaded recreational areas were added to playgrounds. Urban public staircases, deemed hazardous, were rehabilitated. Green areas in unusable open spaces were also brought to life. Other interventions targeted narrow sidewalks and footpaths and access to public services. The project also addressed the safety of playgrounds for children and accessibility for the elderly and physically challenged.
Engicon provided an inception report, along with site assessment and conceptual designs. Participatory design workshops with the local community were held, and a training program for the Greater Amman Municipality was also formulated.
Services Provided:
- Development Strategy
- Integrated Building Design
- Landscape Architecture
- Master Planning
- Storm Management
- Waste Management
- Sustainable Development
- Tender Documents
- Contract Administration and Construction Supervision